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Knowledge to Innovate

In March 2023, we founded a think tank dedicated to studying generative artificial intelligence. Since then, we have immersed ourselves in this fascinating world driven by curiosity and the desire to understand how AI will revolutionize our way of living and working.

Every week, we organize meetings involving sector experts to share experiences and field trials, discussing the latest articles, platforms, and news. We started by sharing simple prompts and results, and over time, this activity has evolved into a daily press review rich in articles, research, and tests that fuel our discussions.

As our journey of discovery continued, we collected a vast amount of knowledge, archiving it in a Slack repository currently containing over 1600 links to external resources. This valuable knowledge base not only supports our daily work but is also a treasure trove available for our training and consulting activities.

Our mission is clear: to share what we have learned, promoting conscious and innovative adoption of generative AI.

We firmly believe that collaboration and the exchange of ideas are essential to navigate the challenges and opportunities that this technology presents.

Join us on this extraordinary journey and discover how generative artificial intelligence can transform the future.

Learn more about Recomb

Four of us founded Recomb, but many more have nurtured it with their thoughts. For now, be satisfied with us four, and gradually we will introduce you to all the others.

Manfredi Galano

A marketing and communication manager with over 20 years of experience. Passionate about linguistics and anthropology, he has used the phrase "crossing the seventh gate" to describe the use of generative AI in his profession. He has a two-and-a-half-year-old child whom he often mentions in his musings. Not a day goes by without him thinking about prompts.

Claudio Ricci

Administrator, business developer, and founder of multiple technology companies for over 30 years. With an incessant passion for finance and technology, he is the one teaching his children how to use technology, not vice versa. Affectionately nicknamed "the eye of Sauron," he has an incredible ability to see and oversee everything, wherever he may be.

Luca Brizzi

The code is his home. He has been working with computers for over 30 years and has seen it all, from ISPs to VoIP, from apps to drones. Curious and innovative, he has already patented software using generative AI. Like all technicians, he is precise and meticulous, but unlike many of them, he is also able to explain things "as if he were talking to a 6-year-old child." 😉

We want to imagine the future with active and curious minds.